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The Gundam Wiki

Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 (機動戦士ガンダム0079?) is a manga written and illustrated by Kazuhisa Kondo based on the TV series Mobile Suit Gundam. Originally published in Japan from August 1992 to August 2005, it was later licensed and released by Viz between 2000 and 2003. However, only nine of the twelve volumes were released.


Universal Century 0079: The Principality of Zeon has declared its independence from the Earth Federation, and subsequently launched a massive war of independence, a war which has raged in every continent on earth and in nearly every space colony and lunar settlement. The Zeon have the upper hand through their use of a revolutionary new type of weapon, their humanoid like mobile suits. When a Zeon recon team disobey mission orders and begin attacking Side 7 its citizens stumble across the Federations latest weapon: the Gundam. With the aid of Earth Federation soldiers stationed aboard the MS carrier White Base the newly formed crew of refugees set out to change the course of the One Year War — or die trying.


Earth Federation[]

Principality of Zeon[]



Principality of Zeon[]

Mobile Weapons[]

Vehicles and Support Units[]

Earth Federation[]

Mobile Weapons[]

Vehicles and Support Units[]


See Also[]

  • Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 Episode LUNA II (Gaiden)



External links[]
