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The Zamouth Jeth-class is a cruiser class from Mobile Suit Gundam F91.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

The Zamouth Jeth-class of cruiser makes up the backbone of the Crossbone Vanguard space fleet. Though its firepower is inferior to that of the Zamouth Giri, the Zamouth Jeth has powerful engines and an extended cruising range, and it's equipped with both forward and rear mobile suit decks.




External links[]

Mobile Suit Gundam F91 Mechanics
Earth Federation Forces/Civilian Militia
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
F71 G-Cannon | F91 Gundam F91 | F-50D Guntank R-44 | RGM-89J Jegan Normal Type | RGM-89M Jegan B-Type | RGM-89R Jegan A-Type | RGM-109 Heavygun | XM-06 Dahgi Iris | XM-07 Vigna Ghina

Land Vehicle
Armored Buggy | Armored Car | Missile Armored Car | Motorcycle | Wired Missile Car
Space Boat
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Ark-class | Clop-class | Ra Cailum-class | Salamis Kai-class
Crossbone Vanguard
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
XM-01 Den'an Zon | XM-02 Den'an Gei | XM-03 Ebirhu-S | XM-04 Berga Dalas | XM-05 Berga Giros | XM-06 Dahgi Iris | XM-07 Vigna Ghina
Mobile Armour
XMA-01 Rafflesia

Land Vehicle
Armored Buggy | Armored Car | Paint Vehicle
Automated Weapon
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Zamouth Garr-class | Zamouth Giri-class | Zamouth Jeth-class | Zamouth Nada-class
Jupiter Energy Fleet
Transporter / Supply Ship
Thousandth Jupiter

Silhouette Formula 91 Mechanics
Anaheim Electronics
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
F71B G-Cannon Magna | F71B type S.D. G-Cannon Magna Super Destroid | RGM-111 Hardygun | RGM-111 type B.T. Hardygun Blitzkrieg | RGM-111 type NR Hardygun Night Raid | RX-99 Neo Gundam | RXF-91 Silhouette Gundam | RXF-91A Silhouette Gundam Kai

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Earth Federation
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
RGM-89J Jegan Normal Type | RGM-89R Jegan A-Type | RGM-89R Jegan Fireball | RX-99 Neo Gundam

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Ra Cailum-class
Crossbone Vanguard
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
XM-01 Den'an Zon | XM-02 Den'an Gei | XM-03 Ebirhu-S | XM-05B Berga Balus | XM-07G Vigna Zirah | XM-07G type F.T.E. Vigna Zirah Flamme Tiger Einzelkampf

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Zamouth Jeth-class
Neo Zeon
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMS-119 Geara Doga
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
F90III-Y Cluster Gundam | F90Y改 Cluster Gundam Kai Prototype

Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam Mechanics
Crossbone Vanguard
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
EMS-06 Batalla | EMS-10 Pez Batalla | XM-08 Zondo Gei | XM-10 Flint | XM-X1 Crossbone Gundam X-1 | XM-X1 Crossbone Gundam X-1 Kai | XM-X2 Crossbone Gundam X-2 | XM-X3 Crossbone Gundam X-3

Transporter / Supply Ship
Eos Nyx
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Little Grey | Mother Vanguard | Zamouth Giri-class | Zamouth Jeth-class | Zamouth Nada-class
Jupiter Empire
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
EMS-06 Batalla | EMS-07 Erebado | EMS-08 Diona | EMS-09 Vagon | EMS-10 Pez Batalla | EMS-VSX1 Mass Production Quavarze | EMS-VSX1 Quavarze | EMS-VSX2 Abijo | EMS-VSX3 Totuga | Security Mobile Suit | XM-X2ex Crossbone Gundam X-2 Kai
Mobile Armour
EMA-01 Acusirio | EMA-02 Thostede | EMA-03 Cangrejo | EMA-04 Elefante | EMA-06 Elegorela | EMA-07 Nautilus | EMA-10 Divinidad

Transporter / Supply Ship
Jupitris-class | Smashion
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Jibia | Jupiter Battleship
Earth Federation Forces
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
F91 Gundam F91 | RGM-89J Jegan Normal Type | RGM-109 Heavygun | RGM-119 Jamesgun | RGM-122 Javelin
Mobile Pod
Model 133 Ball

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Clop-class | Ra Cailum-class | Reinforce